Still Using Email to Route Invoices for Approval?
The Route Invoice function of APFlow™ allows you to set up a workflow with routing rules based on your company's criteria.
Automatically direct invoices to the right approvers in the right order every time.
The Task function of APFlow™ allows you to add a step or an action that must be completed before the invoice continues in your Routing Invoice workflow.
For example, if you require a purchase order to be attached to every invoice, you can create a Task to remind your employee to attach a purchase order during this step in the approval process. The invoice won't move forward on the approval path until they've uploaded that document and satisfied the Task.
You can also set up Event notifications in APFlow™ that are triggered when specific actions on an invoice are met.
For example, if you want to let the person who pays the invoices know as soon as an invoice is approved, you could set up an Event that is activated once the invoice status switches to Approved. You can see here that once Dustin approves the invoice, APFlow™ recognizes the change in status and automatically sends a text to Jacob's cell phone to let him know the invoice has been approved.
Setting Events in APFlow™ is an easy, low-touch way to keep your team informed about an invoice's status so your business can keep moving forward.